how to spot lala girls and guys..(in petaling jaya high schools)
Hi I'm Jeremy Lai and powered by Razer , today I would like to share with you my guide on spotting lala girls and guys . Now why would I post this shit? because not many of you had good eyes.
How do lala look like :
Girls talking in chinese and love swearing chinese like :chow chi bai! lan jiao! diu lei lou mou!
in a very loud voice
2.talks with a very cute japanese accent like very high tones and usually shouts KIAAA!! in a very cute anime way
3.a huge fan of friendster
4.always wears pink and loves PINK stuff ALOT
5.LOVES chinese superstars and always wants to look like them
6.Always campwhoring with japanese style poses
7.talks like this:
{warning typing this language requires profesionality and experience if you wanna learn bang your heads on you keyboard a million times}
Hiies~~~!! <3 mii veli lurv eu xoxoxoxoxo mii veli leng lui or nut~~fasterh larhxx~~ii noe eu veli shy laarhx eu got money or nut?mii veli poor lehx...OMG JAY CHOW LAI LIAO~ WEI LENG ZAIX!
boys :
1.wears pink colour and shiny shiny unusual things and looks very diffrent from the crowd...why? because they're LOA (lack of attention)
2.have blond coloured hair and hairstyles like below| of friendster
4.always wanted to drive proton waja's with modified body kits and loud love song techno remixes and some of those rich lalas even owns skyline playing an arcade named wangan midnight
6.always act and talk cute in front of girls but to other guys ACT like gangster
7.most of them are very tanned skin to hook on girls and wear cute stuff just to make girls like them but infact ending up looking like gays and aquas
9.they just simply love campwhoring too with kissy kissy faces with pink shitokay...whoever had this hairstyle on top are not 100% confirmed lala ... im just saying that MOST of the lala had these hairstyles..most of the lalas dosnt know that they are and THEY love wearing shiny stuff..
where does lala come from? JAPAN of course...japan is the original...LALAs are just copies of them...and dosnt fit well..
first of all their weakness is their mental state...they're so LOA (lack of attention) they will go nuts if u hit their weakpoints...they hate these tactics:
2.calling them lala
3.calling them wannabes
4.insulting china
5.mock about their typing
6.laugh at how they suck at english
7.boasting american standard
these are the most effective ways to fend them off mentally
well thats it for my guide
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